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Faeries Oracle

Card 36 - Spirit Dancer

Self-expression. Freedom. Exploration..

The Spirit Dancer understands both sides of self-expression. In the first stage we get our inner vision, feelings, and creative impulse out into the world through our art, whatever that is. Then our expressions are reflected back to us from the mirror of other people's perceptions, and we discover what our art awakens in them.

First and most important for many of us, we learn, grow, and lead more satisfying lives if we have ways of expressing our inner world. Such expressions can be a way of helping ourselves better understand our feelings and experiences. Or they can be a way of getting pain out where we can look at it and let it begin to heal. Creative expression is a method of exploring our own truth, bringing it into the light so we can see it more clearly, and maintaining sanity. The key words here are explore, experiment, and express. As this faery cryptically remarked to one Oracle reader, "The Death of Spirit Dancer is Perfection."

Second, creative expression is a way of sharing and letting others see more of our true selves. It is a way that we can reach out from this illusion of separation and reaffirm our essential connections with one another. When we share a dance, a painting, or a poem with others, we do so with the hope that they will see something of what we have put into it and that their experience will echo ours in some way. But if we have done well, we will be able to add something to their experience. At the same time, we understand that their slant on things is a bit different and that what they reflect back to us by their response will perhaps contain something we haven't seen about our own experience - a new insight, a different view, an expansion of our picture of reality. So this side of creative expression, the sharing part, enriches us in a different way than the actual creation. I have never written a poem or sculpted something without the experience changing me - and then changing me again when I shared it with others. This is something I've heard many others say, including many who do not consider themselves "real artists" or "real writers."

Spirit Dancer encourages us to take creative action from our place of personal power, the inner core of true feelings and understanding within us. She wants us to clarify our vision, find the creative potential that lies hidden in paradox, confusion; and chaos, and turn these into a free-flowing, finely balanced, evolving order. She wants to aid us in making our best fantasies real.

She also is very enthusiastic about helping us to learn to dance well with the Faeries, if we don't already know how. And if we do know how, she would still be delighted to dance with us just for the fun of it. Step out boldly!

Starter Reading

Now is the time to focus and really concentrate on a project or process, especially one involving the creative arts. Spontaneity balanced by self-discipline will help us achieve our goals. Strive for elegance and simplicity. This is a time to bring out and share qualities that we have nurtured in private.


Self-absorbed and obsessed, the reversed Spirit Dancer has become entangled in her own unexpressed and perhaps inexpressible fantasies. She feels angry and driven, and may be unable to express her feelings in any way except through destruction.

Alternatively, this card may speak of the artist's block. The cure for that is to just create. 'Even if the creation falls far short of our goals, even if it is trite or trivial, just do it. It is a matter of priming the pump until the waters of creativity, emotion, and inspiration flow freely.

Faery Guides and Guardians